Reflection on my blog

After blogging for approximately seven weeks my thoughts have changed quite a bit. At the beginning of writing my blog I didn’t want to be writing or take part in this but now that I have finished blogging, I enjoyed blogging about things. In this seven week period, I have posted a total of twelve posts and out of those twelve posts the one I enjoyed writing the most was my post about Clownfish. During the time that I created the posts on my blog I have had to use multiple web tools those being Word 2016, Paint 3D, a dictionary I googled, google, and many of the tools on Edu blogs. On all my posts I have gotten a total of 17 comments, 3 of those were from teachers and the rest from other students who had read my posts. I don’t really have any plans on this blog, by next August I might already forgotten writing this blog. I don’t really plan on continuing to post on my blog anymore either.



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